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03. 속담

지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀한다_속담 뜻+영어로 / Even a worm will wriggle if you step on it

by 책돌이 2023. 3. 31.

"지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀 한다"라는 속담은 아무리 온순하거나 약한 사람이라도 남에게 불이익을 당하면 가만히 있지 않는다는 뜻입니다. 이 속담은 지렁이가 원래 스스로 공격하거나 방어할 수 없는 미물이지만, 밟혀서 죽을 지경이 되면 몸부림을 치듯이, 사람들도 억울하거나 불합리한 상황에서는 반항하거나 저항할 수 있다는 것을 말해줍니다.

이 속담은 아무리 힘도 없고 약한 사람이라고 하더라도, 상대방이 자신을 업신여기거나 해를 끼치려고 할 때에는 참지 못하고 저항하거나 반발할 수 있다는 것을 표현하고 있습니다. 이와 비슷한 뜻의 속담으로 "벌레도 밟으면 꿈틀 한다"가 있는데, 이 역시 아무리 순하거나 참을성이 있는 사람이나 하찮은 존재라 하더라도 지나치게 자극하면 반항하게 됨을 비유적으로 이르는 말입니다.

사례 1:
학교에서 모범생인 지영이와 성적이 낮은 철수가 있었습니다. 어느 날, 지영이는 철수에게 공부를 더 열심히 해야 한다며 무시했습니다. 그러나 다음 시험에서 철수는 열심히 공부한 결과 높은 점수를 받았고, 지영이는 놀랐습니다. 이 사례를 통해 지영이는 "지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀 한다"라는 속담의 교훈을 배울 수 있습니다. 앞으로 지영이는 철수를 무시하지 않고 도움을 주며 더 좋은 친구가 될 수 있습니다.

사례 2:
어느 학교에서 축구 대회가 열렸습니다. 하지만 축구 경험이 없는 영희는 팀원들로부터 무시당했습니다. 영희는 기회가 주어지지 않아 슬펐지만, 시간이 지나자 팀원들이 부상으로 경기에 참여할 수 없게 되었습니다. 그때, 영희는 팀을 구해내기 위해 열심히 뛰어댔고, 결국 팀은 우승하게 되었습니다. 이 사례를 통해 팀원들은 "지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀 한다"라는 속담의 뜻을 깨달았고, 영희를 존중하게 되었습니다.

이 속담은 우리가 남을 무시하거나 조롱하지 않고 존중하고 도와야 함을 일깨워주는 중요한 교훈을 담고 있습니다.



The saying, "Even a worm will wriggle if you step on it," means that no matter how gentle or weak you are, you don't stay still when you're disadvantaged by others. This saying tells us that earthworms are originally untouchable objects that cannot attack or defend themselves, but just as they struggle when they are stepped on and about to die, people can rebel or resist in unfair or unreasonable situations.

This saying expresses that no matter how powerless or weak a person is, he or she can resist or resist when the other person tries to despise or harm him or her. There is a similar saying, "Even insects wriggle if they step on it, " which also metaphorically means that no matter how gentle or patient they are or insignificant they are, they will rebel if they provoke them too much.

There was Ji-young, a model student at school, and Chul-soo, who had low grades. One day, Ji-young ignored Chul-soo, saying he should study harder. But in the next test, Chul-soo got a high score as a result of studying hard, and Ji-young was surprised. Through this example, Ji-young can learn the proverbial lesson, "Even a worm will wriggle if you step on it." In the future, Ji-young will not ignore Chul-soo, but help him and become a better friend.

A soccer tournament was held at a school. However, Young-hee, who has no experience in soccer, was ignored by her team members. Young-hee was sad that she was not given a chance, but as time passed, her team members were unable to participate in the game due to injuries. At that time, Young-hee ran hard to save the team, and eventually the team won. Through this example, the team members realized the proverb, "Even worms wriggle when they step on them, " and they came to respect Young-hee.


지렁이도 밟으면 꿈틀한다
